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Apart from his fashion sense.
Published on March 22, 2005 By SpongebobNopants In Misc
A lot of people hate him, but can't give a really good reason why. He's made a lot of money from cornering the desktop/office software market, but hey who wishes they hadn't thought of it first. He dropped out of Harvard, one of America's finest education establishments, and is now a multi billionaire, who says that you must stay in school to be a success? His company is one of the most successful in the world, ever. OK they may have strangled some of the opposition in the process but I bet Steve Jobs would have liked to be in the same position as old Billy.
The thing I admire most about Bill Gates is his philanthropism, he just gives his money away. He may have good financial reasons for doing so but that doesn't make him any worse than anyone else who would like to pay a little less tax. The Gates foundation seems to have more money than the GDP of a small country and they're giving to good causes, $750,000,000 of his own change went to fund a vaccination programme in Africa. He may be a total bastard in the software world but at home he'll do for me.

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